

Insidious Logistics
Name Insidious Logistics
Ticker IS-LS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Insidious Logistics Holder
Members 1
Tax Rate 1%
corporationID 98461459

Members [1]


Insidious Logistics (IS-LS) is an industrial corporation but loves to bath in the blood of many victims that fall foul to think that industrialists are carebears. Although Insidious Logistics is relatively new, we have decided to take a multi-facet approach in regards to our goals. We currently are striving to excel in the production of ammunition as well as ship production to the capital level.

Additionally, we offer services in market selling and buying as well as cargo transport. Insidious Logistics is interested in acquiring pilots in the following career fields:
Mining and Mining Foreman
Production Specialists
Research Specialists
Trade Specialists
Transport Ship Operators
PVP Pilots because not all miners are Pussys

New Bro Friendly

Laid back pvpers, we like killing shit, we like having a laugh.
* Our CEO plays naked
* One of our FCs wears a dress
* All the brits drink tea
* We smell rather bad
* We are gumpy at the best of times

Join ISLS for more info

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-08 19:53:51
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